The cows possess the best mixing system.
How can your machinery reproduce this process as closely as possible to what happens in nature?
The cows possess the best mixing system.
Through ruminant they can produce the ideal ration of nourishment, a mechanism similar to what is accomplished by mixer wagons equipped with the best knives.
I still remember when there was only hay and some fresh grass on the crib, mowed in the day. The feed was perfect, sweet, and nutritious. The cows' teeth finely shredded the fibers. An instinctive and fascinating process. A formidable type of healthy eating.
Let’s return to the present and to a comparison that is undoubtedly a bit far-fetched, but certainly impactful.
Let us imagine a mixing wagon. I take the liberty to compare the front tiller to the teeth of the animal performing the first chewing process.
The first long fibers - from stable vernal and spring lawns - are reduced in length and placed in the hopper.
Each feed inserted in the mixing wagon is finely chopped and made palatable in the final unifeed ration intended for the animals.
To obtain an ideal feed the cutter knives must work perfectly.
Perfectly like a cow's healthy teeth would “work”.
After this stage, there is the actual rumination stage, during which the coarsely fragmented plant material is regurgitated into the oral cavity to be finely chopped and amalgamated.
Next, this mush reaches the pre-stomachs where micro-organisms act to break down the nutrient electees into energy.
Only augers composed of efficient knives and blades can approach the process carried out by cows in the mouth
By reading this article, you could begin to discover, through a comparison with what happens in nature during cow rumination, how crucial is the choice of knives to use in your mixer wagon.
Coltelliunifeed can help you check the current status of your knives through an initial consultation.
Contact us to book your appointment.