Unifeed Machines: When The Blades Don't Cut.

Unifeed Machines: When The Blades Don't Cut.

 It happens that you hear: the mixer wagon is not working properly!

It often happens - more than you might think - that I receive this generic and non-detailed complaint, so much so that I have to investigate what is meant by the expression "it's not working".

Most of the time we discover - if the case is connected to the quality of the mix - that we need to focus our attention on the blades positioned on the auger (and on the cutter, if present on the machine).

Blades (or knives, however you want to say) which have the fundamental function of cutting the long fibers of the forage bringing them to the optimal size (2.5-3 cm) for triggering rumination in the cattle.

How to recognize a "worn" blade?

It is possible, but not always easy: the cutting part in fact wears continuously during use, losing the ability to cleanly cut the forage fibers it encounters during the rotation of the auger on which it is applied.

Therefore, the first way to understand if a blade is no longer effective in its action is to observe the pieces of forage present in the mixed ration.

Are the ends of the forage straws cleanly shredded or are they chipped, crushed and without consistency?

In the second case you will have a precise indication of the state of the blades: they no longer cut and need to be replaced.

Probably - another indicator - the time needed to mix by amalgamating all the components of the mixture will be decidedly longer. This involves greater use of fuel and a waste of time (which has a value, as everyone knows).

Another way, more subtle but still effective, is to observe the "cutting edge" of the blade.

The part of the blade that cuts into the forage fibers is sharp and very thin: this condition allows the hay stem to be cut cleanly, bringing it to the right length for ingestion and subsequent rumination.

The more rounded the cutting edge of the blade, the less effective the cut on the forage fiber will be.

Consequently, the ends of the straws of hay will not be precise but torn and - in all likelihood - of various sizes (longer or very short) compared to the optimal one for rumination.

It may seem like a marginal aspect, but this situation is often encountered which, once recognized and remedied by replacing worn blades, brings your mixer back to maximum efficiency.

On our website bibliotecaunifeed.com you will find the most complete offer of blades and knives for unifeed mixers of all types and brands.

Remember: even the best unifeed mixer (there are models that cost more than €300,000) will not be able to generate a balanced and nutritious ration if the blades are not able to mix all the components and cut the fodder to the correct size.

Have you checked your mixer blades?
